A colloborative effort to reach out
to the poor and homeless.
© Kingdom Pathways,
John 17:20-23
Please consider a tax deductable donation.
A key component in conquering homelessness is conquering chemical dependency. Moreover, functional addicts are less effective in jobs and job loss often results from chemical dependency.
Kingdom Pathways operates a Rule-31 State of MN Department of Human Services licensed Chemical Dependency program, as a critical part of its operations.
Group counseling for 3 hours a day, Monday through Friday, and individual counseling is included. Schedules are routinely adjusted around client work schedules as independence is always the goal. Groups include Relapse Prevention, 12-Step, Shame, Support Network Development, Criminal and Addictive Thinking, among others. At least 4 Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselors provide on-site counseling, covering all 12 core functions.
Regular monthly classes are provided on HIV and Hep-C.
In support of the counseling, each client is 24/7 awake staff monitored in the housing, with lab tested UAs every 3 days on 88+ drugs, with trained technicians to ensure observed UAs done right ! Breathalyzers are done on-site each and every day, and sometimes "wake-up call breathalyzers" are done 1-3AM.
Each homeless person is treated on an individual basis, with individualized treatment plans which are adjusted upon relapse, if they are allowed to stay in the program. Abstinence is always the goal at Kingdom Pathways.
Group curriculum is educational and interactive |